This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics. It’s meant to be a good collection for those who aren’t quite pro yet, but want to be. From making amazing business cards to bringing a stone statue to life, these take us through hours and hours of practicing those skills. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there. If you learn to master some of the techniques and tricks from these, you will be sure to land on your feet looking like a pro! But be aware that for most of these a basic+ understanding of Photoshop is required to be able to follow the steps.
These are for those of you who know the basics and want to get a step further with your art and designs. Great and Interesting Photoshop Tutorials The warp tool is used to create a twisting effect (you need Photoshop CS2 or above). With the completion of this tutorial, you will be able build a photo strip with your own photos or artwork that looks very cool. This tutorial goes through all the steps of creating a flaming skull in Photoshop. This tutorial covers some relatively simple steps and some clever photo manipulation techniques. Pay close attention when you do this tutorial. It’s between intermediate and advanced but can definitely be done with some good effort.
Even if you are a beginner you can learn some great techniques by reading this anyway, but there aren’t as detailed explanations of everything so you will require a good understanding of the program to do it yourself. Design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed.